• +256 392 001853

  • Plot 140 Sir Apollo Kaggwa Road, Makerere Kikoni

We benefit greatly from items donated from our wishlist. They are daily necessities our guests and staff use each and every day.
You can download a PDF version (42KB) of the wishlist for convenience.

  Item Details
  Money petty cash, funding for project
  Dry goods foodstuffs beans, peas, posho (maize) flour, porridge, sugar, groundnuts, millet flour, wheat flour, spaghetti, biscuits, etc.
  Fresh foods and fruit watermelon, pineapple, apples, bananas, pawpaws (papaya), beef, fish, chicken, mangoes, matooke, Irish potatoes, sweet potatoes, cassava, yams, etc.
  Toiletries toiletpaper, toilet fresheners, toilet soap or hand wash, hand-sanitizer, hand driers, sanitary towels, diapers, towels, toothpaste, toothbrushes, bathing soap, washing soap
  Shoes and sandals for the children (and perhaps caregivers too)
  Raw materials for Art & Crafts beads, cloth, needles, thread, toolbox, decorations (glitter, sequins etc.), yarn, crochets, paper-glue, cloth material (kitengi) for making costumes
  Bedding mosquito nets, bedsheets, blankets, mattresses, pillows, comforters etc.
  Cleaningware detergents, mops, brushes, Vim, gloves, gumboots, and disinfectants
  Kitchenware plates, cups, cutlery, tumblers, kitchen towels, saucepans, matchboxes, flasks (thermos), aprons, pressure-cooker (10L)
  Metal trunks (chests) for beneath-bed storage of personal items
  Clothes shirts, trousers, skirts, dresses, sweaters, jumpers, yarn, cloth materials etc.
  Medicines and medical supplies OTC painkillers, bulk hand-sanitizer, face masks, cotton, plasters (band-aids), de-wormers, stretchers, first-aid kit
  Rugs, Plastic chairs (regular + kid-size) for the living room, classroom, and the bedrooms
  Scholastics Math, English, hygiene (text books), reading primers, drawing, exercise books, pencils, pens, colors, crayons, blackboards, whiteboards, whiteboard makers, whiteboard hooks, board cleaners
  Entertainment board games, childrens’ DVDs, books (ages 4–12), coloring books
  Office supplies Sticky notes, Pens and Pencils, Tape, Scissors, Paper Clips, Legal Pads, Staplers, Staples, Glue, Hole Punch, Highlighters, White-Out, Calendars, Wall-clocks, Dry Erase Board, Dry Erase Markers, Bulletin Boards, Thumbtacks/Pins, File Cabinets, Adhesive Labels, Desks and Chairs, Waste Baskets, Window Blinds, Printer/Fax Machine/Scanner, Printer Ink and Toner, Printer Paper, Cable Organizer, Mouse and Mouse-pads, AA/AAA batteries, Padlocks
  Gardening tools hoes, rakes, slashers, wheelbarrows, panga (machete), gloves, gumboots, garden backpack sprayer
  Utility bills water, electricity, gas
  Chainsaw firewood handling and management
  Freezer to store fresh food supplies
  Annual Sat. TV subscription for news, entertainment
  TV set and home theater for entertainment
  Solar system components for the Homes to ensure a constant power supply, and to better manage the electric bills
  Computers laptops, desktops, tablets, video games
  Wheelchair/s to support the guests with disabilities
  Musical instruments for art therapy traditional drums (various sizes), harps, lyres, or xylophones, electronic keyboard (eg. Korg)
  Passenger van for transportation of children to and from hospital and hospice
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